About Rich Gilman

About our Host of Law Dog Radio





Host and Attorney


Attorney.  Gentleman. Model. Opera Singer.  (Okay.  The attorney part is true.)  I practice law in Central Virginia with Day Law Group, PLLC - in my opinion one of the best law firms in Virginia. 

What is this about "Hercules?"

This nickname is because I take on difficult quests and see them through to the end with tenacity.  Or is it because the shorter version my friends call me - Herc - easily rhymes with "jerk"? Or is it because my first dog, a dachshund was named "Hercules."  You decide.


The Law

I love the law.  In truth, I started out late, having run several successful businesses  and raised two amazing sons, Alec and Mitchel.

The law makes sense,  in times as crazy at those we are presently living in.   The law touches our lives in so many ways that  it is important to know and understand it.  This is why the Law Dog Radio is so important.   It gives me and the listeners a chance to discuss the law and hopefully we all, including me, learn something new about it and ourselves.

 The Photo

Thank goodness that you don't have to be all that great looking to be an attorney or radio show host.  If you are asking. . . no, I am not as cool as the photo.e

Call us at

      (434) 528-8877

We are both litigators and business attorneys.

We strive to offer the best customer services of any law firm.

We do Residential and Commercial Real Estate Closing and we do them well.

Day Law Group

Sherwood Day, Justin Smart, and Richard Gilman provide a full range of legal Services including:

  • Personal Injury
  • Auto and Truck Accident
  • Estate Planning,
  • Real Estate Services including Settlement and Closing of Residential and Commercial
  • Business Litigation and Consulting, and
  • Medical Malpractice.

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